Power Outage

Power Outage

Sulky.com Embroidery, Quilting & Decorative Thread

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We’ve had a power outage!  A power pole got taken out by a semi-truck.

We sat all day and waited for the electricity to come back on.  Then we waited all night long.  Finally, sometime in the morning after we let La Lune outside, the electricity came back on.  Since we had some time on our paws and no electricity we decided to lace!  We used our solar-powered inflatable lamp as our light source and laced!

Lacing in dark

We’ve been working on this lace cat bookmark for a while now and we’ve been slowly making progress.  It’s more complicated than we originally thought and once we’ve worked through one section and thought we figured out the pattern, we come to a new section and get confused all over again.  So it’s taken some time.  But we’re going to continue working on this pattern and taking it out and starting over again as much as we need to until we get it!  

Official Cat Lady In Training Onesie

Since our power was out, we didn’t get a chance to announce our new products in the store.  We’ve added more colors to our Official Cat Lady Embroidered Hats, a new youth size Official Cat Lady T-Shirts, and our purrsonal favorites new Official Cat Lady In Training onesies for babies and toddler size T-shirts for all the wee ones with kitty siblings.  Shop Now!


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