Midnight's Garden Update

Midnight's Garden Update


 The seedlings have been plantedWe use affiliate links

The water tower gardenMidnight got the lights arranged and filled the reservoir with water, she set the timer and tested the power, she was ready to start growing hydroponically.  Everything was ready to go but when she plugged in the pump nothing happened.  She tested the plug to make sure it was receiving power and it was.  So she took out the pump, took it apart, cleaned it out, then tested it.  It worked.

The water in the water tower gardenOnce Midnight put the pump back into the reservoir and she added more water the water tower garden worked as it was supposed to. Then the pump stopped working again.  Finally, Midnight figured out that the plug was too heavy for the outlet and kept falling out, so she put a box under the plug to keep it from falling out.

Calendula seedling in the water tower gardenNow that the water was flowing, the seedlings were ready to be planted.  The water tower garden can hold up to 24 plants, but since she’s new to hydroponics she’s only growing eight plants.  All medicinal flowers.  She’ll be growing calendula, peppermint, chamomile, bee balm, and hopefully passionflower if it pops up.  

Midnight's MelonsOne of Midnight's MelonsA melon growing on the vineIn her other tents, Midnight's melons are starting to show themselves.  they've almost taken over the whole tent and even tried making the top of the light a dance floor.  She's been having to cut them back so the other plants can get light.  Next year she'll be growing the melons on the catio, Boo can deal with them.

Pooh Bierre amomgst the violasHer plants that she moved outside have been doing great!  The violas have exploded in bloom, the lemon balm has expanded in growth and the blue poppy plant is much happier to be outside.  Pooh Bierre has been tending to the outside plants lately and he especially loves the violas, they’re his new favorite and he loves tending to them.  He’s super excited that the bloom is edible and munches on them in the afternoon.  He doesn’t eat too much, just enough to get a taste.  Violas have not been proven to be toxic to cats but he would rather be safe than sorry.

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